What simulations bring to teaching soft skillsRole play and immersive VR experiences can bridge the gap between theory and practice as students acquire – and teachers assess – skills in communication and problem-solvingDaniel Brown, Krystal Schaffer, Kim Stewart University of Southern Queensland
Can AI offer everyone a personal tutor 24/7?Generative artificial intelligence can trigger a certain amount of angst, but AI’s potential to support student learning should be explored, write Steve Hill and Quintus StierstorferSteve Hill, Quintus StierstorferLIBF
How environmental issues can unite and inspire diverse student groupsLooking for ideas for next semester’s projects? Climate change could be the answer, whatever your students’ field of study, writes Jim EntwistleJim EntwistleTeesside University
Balancing career readiness and finances: the case for abbreviated internshipsInternships give students professional experience, guide career choices and boost job market competitiveness. But what if students need higher-paying summer jobs or can’t afford three months in a far-flung city? That’s where abbreviated winter internships come inMargarita McGrath Virginia Tech
RIP assessment?How can educators make learning and human intelligence visible in the age of GenAI? Abby Osborne and Christopher Bonfield outline a model to rethink assessment and reward non-AI knowledge and understandingAbby Osborne , Christopher Bonfield University of Bath
Where’s Hector? How a scavenger hunt helps first-year students explore the university campusA collaborative discovery activity has benefits that go beyond simply helping new students get to know the university grounds. It fosters belonging and fun – and even promotes physical well-being, writes Hector Viveros TapiaHector Viveros TapiaMacquarie University
An inter-university and interdisciplinary approach to dental educationA degree course that blends engineering and dentistry prepares students for their future practice. Here, Szandra Kormendi and Peter Hermann explain how it worksPéter Hermann, Szandra KörmendiSemmelweis University
Tips on implementing a more agile and responsive assessment extensions processApplying for and managing of extensions for certain assessments within higher education can be time-consuming and stressful for students and staff. Read about how UEA has implemented a more agile process.Eloise Ellis, Kay Yeoman, Karin GoodbyUniversity of East Anglia
What does it take to encourage students to use their voice?The National Student Survey tells us students want their voices heard, but what if they don’t take up opportunities for feedback? Sam Perry looks at challenges of integrating student input (and wonders if chocolate is the answer)Sam Perry University of Southampton
‘Creative writing can be as impactful as an academic paper’Grassroots initiatives can promote visibility of marginalised groups, self-expression and community, writes Emily Downes. Here are her key tips from running a creative writing competition to mark LGBTQ+ History MonthEmily DownesTeesside University
Hybrid learning through podcasts: a practical approachAdapting practice-based learning to a blend of synchronous and asynchronous delivery gives learners more control and creates opportunities for real-world learning of skills such as podcast production, writes Catherine ChambersCatherine ChambersKeele University
Can well-being programmes attract world-class talent to an institution?Aside from competitive compensation, research support and faculty development, how can a university attract the best faculty candidates? Ron Fricker outlines two programmes that meet the recruitment challenge head-onRon FrickerVirginia Tech
How to use 3D scanning technology to create virtual tours for your studentsHere is how the University of Manchester is using 3D scanning technology to create virtual reality platforms that can be used in educational settings Alexandra McGaughrin CrossUniversity of Manchester
Leveraging LLMs to assess soft skills in lifelong learningLeadership and critical-thinking skills are difficult to measure. Here, Jonna Lee offers case studies that test the idea of integrating LLMs into assessment practices as a feedback tool to empower both students and instructorsJonna Lee Georgia Tech’s Center for 21st Century Universities
How students’ GenAI skills and reflection affect assignment instructionsThe ability to use generative AI is akin to time management or other learning skills that students need practice to master. Here, Vincent Spezzo and Ilya Gokhman offer tips to make sure instructions land equally no matter students’ level of AI experienceVincent Spezzo, Ilya GokhmanGeorgia Tech’s Center for 21st Century Universities
Using experiential learning to teach international relations Using his experience as a case study, Adrian Man-Ho Lam outlines how to use experiential learning to improve students’ understanding of humanitarian interventionAdrian Man-Ho LamThe University of Hong Kong
Charting the future: ChatGPT’s impact on nursing education and assessmentsInteractive workshops and user-friendly guides can unlock the potential of ChatGPT in assessment and overcome initial hesitation around its use. Here, Dianne Stratton-Maher looks at ethical and responsible use of generative AIDianne Stratton-Maher University of Southern Queensland
Using reflective practice to support postgraduate studies in the biosciencesSmall-group workshops create space for postgraduate researchers to share ways to manage stress, impostor syndrome, feelings of isolation and student-supervisor relationships. Here’s how to set up a programmeJo Haszczyn , Johanna Fish , Jennifer Tullet University of Southampton, University of Kent
How to train world-champion cardiologistsCompetition, cooperation and continuity in talent support play integral roles in training and preparing medical professionals, and improving patient care, write three cardiologistsGellér László, Zoltán Salló, Nándor SzegediSemmelweis University
A framework to teach library research skillsEmbedding library skills within disciplines allows teachers and students to link them to learning outcomes and research requirements. Here, a team of engagement librarians explain how to put a map in placeAnna Hvass, Karen Rolfe, Siân Furmage , Michael Latham University of Southampton
Going for gold: how to craft a winning TEF submissionTeaching excellence rests on clear principles and agile strategy, collaboration with students and a frank approach to educational gain, write Emily Pollinger and Julian Chaudhuri. Here, they share tips for maintaining and evidencing successEmily Pollinger , Julian ChaudhuriUniversity of Bath
Creating an impactful social group for neurodivergent studentsMeet-ups can support neurodivergent students (mostly those with autism and ADHD) to navigate the social complexities of student life and the workplace. Here, Brooke Szücs and Ben Roden-Cohen share tips for creating inclusive neurodivergent settings, based on their experienceBen Roden-Cohen, Brooke SzücsThe University of Queensland
Sharing qualitative research through open accessTraditional open access repositories are designed for sharing quantitative data. But what about qualitative data – non-numeric information and concepts such as case studies or interview transcripts? That’s where the Qualitative Data Repository comes inNathaniel D. PorterVirginia Tech
Using storybooks to share research with a wider audienceStorybooks offer a collegial method of sharing research findings beyond the peer-reviewed journals of academia – and putting it in the hands of the people who can best use the information, write Dominic Petronzi, Dean Fido and Rebecca PetronziDominic Petronzi , Dean Fido, Rebecca Petronzi University of Derby
Making higher education accessible for students with unmet financial needRising costs of college leave many students struggling to afford higher education. And we know that enhancing the affordability of going to university is critical for realising students’ potential and elevating lives and livelihoods for generations to come, writes Matt HoltMatt Holt Virginia Tech
A food pantry can help support your campus through the cost-of-living crisisFood insecurity and hunger affect students’ mental and physical well-being as well as their academic performance. Karina Escobar, Fatima deCarvalho and Lauren Dinour offer advice on establishing a successful community food pantryLauren Dinour, Fatima deCarvalho, Karina EscobarMontclair State University
Nourishing bodies and minds: the vital role of a student food pantryThe rising costs of education and living expenses leave many students struggling to stretch their funds to cover basic necessities. In this landscape, the university’s student food bank can offer a lifeline, writes Isabelle LargenIsabelle LargenVirginia Tech
Support for faculty on long-term leave is a career lifeline Institutions and academics both benefit when support frameworks are in place to help extended leavers back into work. Four educators offer a case study in what one might look likeTheresa Mercer , Jim Harris, Ron Corstanje, Chhaya Kerai-Jones Cranfield University
Use design thinking principles to create a human-centred digital strategyCreating a user-focused digital strategy requires the use of various channels, the adoption of design thinking principles and the involvement of students and staff from the outsetJoe HollandUniversity of Exeter
Film storytelling can enhance learning in STEM subjectsIn the era of social technologies, authentic storytelling becomes a powerful tool for cultural and social change, a fundamental role of higher education, writes Arijit MukhopadhyayArijit Mukhopadhyay University of Salford
Creating safe spaces for students to talk about financial difficultiesPoor financial health can lead to mental health difficulties and isolation for students. Here, Caroline Deylaud Koukabi and Joanna West offer tips for giving students inclusive spaces to discuss concerns amid the cost-of-living crisisCaroline Deylaud Koukabi, Joanna WestUniversity of Luxembourg
How our Study Together programme promotes belonging and improves well-being By offering students a space to meet, study and socialise outside the classroom, universities can improve engagement and reduce feelings of loneliness on campusGemma StandenUniversity of East Anglia
Use Etherpad to improve engagement in large transnational classesBy leveraging technology to create an anonymous and collaborative space, educators can empower hesitant students to actively contribute and foster a more interactive and inclusive learning environmentYing FengXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
How to harness community knowledge to tackle complex policy challengesWorking with local communities can help uncover new insights to tackle complex social policy challenges. Saffron Woodcraft and Joseph Cook explain how to set up high-impact citizen social science researchSaffron Woodcraft, Joseph CookUniversity College London
What we learned from a pilot study aimed at getting first-generation students into pharmacyMany students have little knowledge of the role and career opportunities of a pharmacist. This is even more so the case for first-generation studentsCarl Harrington, Rosemary Norton University of East Anglia
Fostering student co-creation to give back to the communityEngaging in local civic projects offers students meaningful learning opportunities, fosters co-creation and supports the community at large. Here, Martha Sullivan outlines the benefits based on working with the Empty Bowls projectMartha SullivanVirginia Tech
How to keep first-generation students engaged throughout the academic yearEngagement opportunities don’t end with orientation or even the first year of study. Here, Araceli Martinez and Athina Cuevas explain how to build a programme that helps students develop confidence and leadership skills and support the next cohortAraceli Martinez , Athina CuevasChapman University
We used a hybrid escape room to dramatically boost student attendanceLow class attendance has been a growing trend since the pandemic, so how can we encourage students to come back? Educators at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University share their innovative strategyErick Purwanto, Na Li, Ting Ting TayXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
A road map for advancing digital inclusion for your students, staff and communityA multi-departmental and collaborative approach to digital skills training has helped tackle digital exclusion at Staffordshire University. Raheel Nawaz explains the key initiatives Raheel NawazStaffordshire University
Building trust in research: how effective patient and public involvement can helpInvolving patients and the public in research results in more relevant outcomes and gathers insight into what issues affect and are of importance to them and their communities, writes Gary HickeyGary HickeyUniversity of Southampton
Community organising: a case study in parent engagement Widening participation in higher education and improving the education journeys of young people cannot happen in isolation, writes Michael Bennett. Here, he outlines a programme that connects parents, community groups and the universityMichael BennettKing’s College London
Designing 24/7 hubs for studentsWhat does it mean to create student-centric support? Here, Kieron Broadhead outlines the process and challenges in re-imagining a 24-hour student administration system Kieron BroadheadUniversity of Southampton
Using partnerships to establish and build on project successFrom listening to the student voice to creating joined-up partnerships, success on major capital works depends on teamwork. Here, Dominic Wood outlines key elements to ensure project delivery and reap long-term benefitsDominic WoodRoyal Northern College of Music (RNCM)
Case study: how to do an independent evaluation on homelessness on six continentsFrom working with resident researchers to navigating local salary schemes, Suzanne Fitzpatrick offers lessons on how to carry out a large-scale international evaluation programme Suzanne Fitzpatrick Heriot-Watt University
Embrace the chaos of real-world learning experiences Unaccompanied student assignments abroad are a terrifying but essential part of the high-fidelity learning mix. Here, Jim Entwistle shares his four key points of assignments beyond the safety netJim EntwistleTeesside University
Teaching business students how to prepare sustainability reports for SMEsIn engaging with small and medium-sized enterprises, universities can raise SMEs’ awareness of their own climate impacts. Here, Ven Tauringana shares a model for teaching accounting students how to produce sustainability reportsVen TauringanaUniversity of Southampton
How storytelling boosts environmental impact and engagementPresenting sustainability research in a story – with a protagonist, goal and resolution – can bridge the gap between complex theory and real-world results for wider audiences and policymakers alike Denise BadenUniversity of Southampton
Bring the SDGs into the classroom through role play and gamificationA case study showing how simulations, role playing and gamification can develop students’ global citizenship and help grand challenges feel more surmountableShelini Surendran, Kat Mack, Anand MistryUniversity of Surrey
How to support international students’ smooth transition to a new countryOrientation is an ongoing process for international students, so welcome programmes need to extend further than a single day. Here, Mengping Cheng explains how to support new arrivals throughout their adjustmentMengping ChengTe Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
Dealing with abuse after public commentary Communicating to the public can result in abuse of academics. Here, University of Southampton staff describe their experiences and provide tips on anticipating and dealing with trolling Michael Head, Larisa Yarovaya , Ashton Kingdon , Millie Downer University of Southampton
Messy decisions and creative science in the classroomHow can we teach students other than those studying for healthcare or other vocational qualifications to work across disciplinary boundaries and make scientific decisions in a creative – and enjoyable – manner? Here’s what we learned from running a data-driven drug-discovery scenarioCharlotte Dodson, Steve FlowerUniversity of Bath
Transforming the classroom through experiential learningA pilot programme aims to expand undergraduate students’ access to high-impact learning experiences to strengthen skills such as teamwork and problem-solving. Kate Williams looks at its outcomes Kate WilliamsGeorgia Tech’s Center for 21st Century Universities
How to combat the mental health crisis on campusFrom staff training to nap pods and on-campus emotional support animals, universities have well-established and novel ways to help students to better mental health and well-beingJonathan KoppellMontclair State University
Using the power of debate to enhance critical thinking Asking students to analyse, defend and counterargue a contentious issue has proved an engaging way to teach reasoning and communication skills in organisational behaviour coursesM. C. ZhangMacau University of Science and Technology
A case study in developing the next STEM generation University ‘taster days’ can introduce teenagers to what global health research and advocacy might be like as a future career. Here four academics describe a pilot training session and what they learned from itMichael Head, Jessica Boxall, Winfred Dotse-Gborgbortsi, Kathryn Woods-TownsendUniversity of Southampton
Why we need a new model for professional development credentialsClose collaboration between universities and industry can help higher education address the ‘skills emergency’ and rebuild trust in university qualifications, writes Mick GrimleyMick GrimleyTe Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
Lessons learned from a fellowship year as a dentist and early career researcherWinning a fellowship as a dentist and spending a year in Graz as an international scholar not only taught me about the profession but also fostered my self-awareness, writes Dániel VéghDániel VéghSemmelweis University
Learning to learn: developing students into effective lifelong learnersKevinia Cheung outlines an institutional approach to developing undergraduates’ ability to ‘learn to learn’Kevinia CheungThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Using co-creation to make young people equal research partnersBased on her experience developing a youth panel, Kathryn Woods-Townsend explains how her team collaborated with, employed and learned from the teenagers who are their lived-experience expertsKathryn Woods-TownsendUniversity of Southampton
Six lessons from facilitating a formalised mentoring programmeAn institutional formalised mentoring scheme can offer invaluable career guidance for early- and mid-career academics. Here, based on 15 years of managing a programme for academic staff, Karen Mather offers her key takeawaysKaren MatherTe Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
Perfect doesn’t exist and other lessons from developing a whole-university well-being strategyChallenges to staff and student well-being are part of university life, regardless of how much support is in place. But iterative strategies can improve the entire community’s experience, write Ben Goose and Cassie WilsonBen Goose, Cassie WilsonUniversity of Bath
Using film to prompt discussion in legal studiesMovies and television programmes can challenge students’ perceptions and enrich their understanding of the law. But designing an effective module requires more than a must-watch list, writes Michael RandallMichael Randall University of Strathclyde
How supported social groups create safe spacesConnecting students who share a lived experience such as bereavement, family estrangement or loneliness can help to foster a sense of community and belonging at university, explains Hannah MooreHannah MooreUniversity of Bath
A practical approach to tackling eco-anxietyWe induce eco-anxiety by teaching students about climate change, so training them in practical and achievable solutions to it are needed, too, write Helen Hicks and Dawn Lees Helen Hicks, Dawn LeesUniversity of Exeter
Nudge technology can help students re-engage Early-intervention initiatives to tackle student disengagement can be challenging to implement. A centralised, targeted approach using a communication nudge can encourage students to re-engage with online learningEllie KayTe Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
A whole-campus approach to boost belonging for student successJoint efforts among faculty, staff and students themselves can support first-year and transfer scholars to feel included and engaged, write Lorett Swank and Catherine ThomasLorett Swank, Catherine ThomasGeorgia Tech’s Center for 21st Century Universities
Using VR to change medical students’ attitudes towards older patients A five-minute virtual reality exercise has the power to dramatically shift students’ understanding of and empathy for dementia patients’ experienceJános KollárSemmelweis University
Recognising First Nations through place: creating an inclusive university environmentUniversities, as places of social good and inclusive education, have a responsibility to create environments that nurture and support learning of First Nations people, writes Angela LeitchAngela LeitchQueensland University of Technology
Undergraduate research to enrich teacher educationDesigning, conducting and presenting a research project based on classroom experience can give students an early opportunity for critical reflection on their learningMolly Riddle, Jacquelyn J. Singleton, Cathy JohnsonIndiana University Southeast
How to make dual-enrolment programmes workDual enrolment can create student pipelines from high school to university, meet community education needs and improve retention and graduation rates. Here, Laura Brown Simmons breaks down the essential elementsLaura Brown SimmonsGeorgia Tech’s Center for 21st Century Universities
A case for bringing ethics of friendship and care to academic researchFriendship adds ethical and emotional dimensions that can make research equitable, sensitive, responsive and consequential to local communities, writes Noam Schimmel, based on his experiences in Rwanda Noam SchimmelUniversity of California, Berkeley
Co-creation as a liberating activityHow to use student co-creation to bring active participation and collaboration into the learning experience, based on insights from the Liberated Learners open educational resource Terry GreeneTrent University
Steps to address the operational challenges of widening participationWell-being assistance, leadership development and mentoring opportunities are key to supporting students from under-represented groups. Here, Angus Howat details a programme for widening participation from a Kiwi perspectiveAngus HowatTe Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
From cohort to community: how to support student-led initiativesBuilding a strong cohort starts with supporting students directly. Here, we, as student and staff co-authors in the humanities, share insights on how to encourage solutions designed for students by studentsRanita Thompson, Joanne Walmsley, Ben GrahamThe University of Queensland
How to sustain a journal and beat the academic publishing racketStarting a journal is hard enough – keeping it going is an ongoing challenge. Here’s how to maintain success in academic publishingJames Williams, Asma MohseniUniversity of Derby
Grow your own accessibility alliesThe steps to making learning content accessible include identifying areas that need attention, overcoming barriers and recruiting allies to get the job done, writes Luke SearleLuke SearleUniversity of Southampton
A colour matrix to make visual content more accessibleAccessible content is better content. One way to boost accessibility in visual materials is paying attention to colour contrast during the design process. Here’s a tool to make that simplerMatthew DeeproseUniversity of Southampton
What is authentic enquiry learning?When students work in teams to examine a real-world problem, the result offers a means to bring teaching and research together. Here, Kate Black and Jonny Hall explain how this pedagogy benefits students, academics and societyKate Black, Jonny HallNorthumbria University
You wake up in a locked room… Using digital escape rooms to promote student engagementGame-based learning can unlock students’ motivation to learn and develop skills such as critical-thinking, teamwork and problem-solving, as Steven Montagu-Cairns explainsSteven Montagu-CairnsUniversity of Leeds
Charting a shared path to net zero universitiesWhat’s been lacking in the decarbonisation journey is the ability to bring universities together to share best practices, resources and tools, so that pioneers in the area can assist those just starting out. Now there’s a toolkitShreejan Pandey, Rebecca PowellMonash University
Creating a reusable takeout dish programme on campusWant to reduce single-use waste at your university? In this guide for students and administrators, Rojine McVea offers tips for how to set up a reusable dish service based on her own experienceRojine McVea University of Alberta
Power to the people through automation of peer support programmesThe management of large institution-wide programmes such as peer support can be improved and scaled with the help of automation, as Amanda Pocklington explainsAmanda PocklingtonUniversity of Exeter
How can universities get more school pupils enthusiastic about science?Outreach in local schools and colleges is one way universities can work towards widening participation in higher education. Carl Harrington shares the lessons from a project designed to get more pupils interested in studying scienceCarl HarringtonUniversity of East Anglia
Unifying theoretical and clinical education in a medical curriculumA focus on practical competences comes with the risk that theoretical knowledge will be sidelined during the clinical years. However, two-way vertical integration of medical training can provide a more balanced strategy for learning László KölesSemmelweis University
A campaign to communicate the impact of university researchWith public perception of US higher education in decline, universities urgently need to send an engaging, integrated message about how their work benefits society, writes Paul M. Rand. Here’s how his institution is doing itPaul M. RandThe University of Chicago
‘I just wish all lecturers would use the VLE in the same way’A consistent approach to blended teaching and learning across the whole institution can shift the student experience. Here’s a way to achieve it – from page templates to staff training Alison TornLeeds Trinity University
A ‘grocery store’ model can help your campus food bank reduce wasteA move from pre-packed hampers can make university food banks more efficient and the space more welcoming – and build a stronger community. Erin O’Neil offers tips for switching to a grocery-store modelErin O’NeilUniversity of Alberta
Advice for lecturers on how to keep students’ attentionPsychology-based rhetoric training is a way to help lecturers counteract the fall in students’ active attention span. This programme aims to give them speaking skills and confidence that will enhance their effectiveness as educatorsKinga Györffy, András Matolcsy Semmelweis University
Individual consultations can help PhD students to complete their studies Personalised consultancy gives assistance to PhD students and candidates to keep their momentum and build their academic careers, and it also helps instructors identify and train future supervisorsSzabolcs Várbíró , Judit Réka Hetthéssy, Marianna TörökSemmelweis University
How to support students considering self-employmentNot all students want – nor can they find in a challenging employment market – graduate jobs after university. Victoria Prince looks at what more faculties can do to support students in creating their own business opportunitiesVictoria PrinceNottingham Trent University
Silence is golden when you ‘shut up and write’ togetherHow to build a supportive community of practice and peer learning through the simple practice of meeting online to ‘shut up and write’Kelly Louise Preece, Jo SutherstUniversity of Exeter
Why we start undergraduate transdisciplinary research from day oneHands-on knowledge discovery can give students the chance to put learning into action from the beginning of their studies, write Gray Kochhar-Lindgren and Julian TannerGray Kochhar-Lindgren, Julian TannerThe University of Hong Kong
Raising aspirations: lessons in running a young scholars programmeWidening access to higher education for children from disadvantaged backgrounds is a priority for UK universities. Here, Valsa Koshy outlines lessons from a successful programme for primary school pupilsValsa KoshyBrunel University London
Restructuring a university, part oneWhen Bill Flanagan took the helm, the University of Alberta was facing a $222 million funding cut – 20 per cent of the university’s operating budget. In this two-part article, he explains how the university undertook a historic overhaulBill FlanaganUniversity of Alberta
Restructuring a university, part twoWhen funding pressures made it clear that the University of Alberta had to change, it overhauled its entire way of working. Here, president Bill Flanagan explains how they did itBill FlanaganUniversity of Alberta
How to write better awards entries From conducting in-depth interviews to telling the whole story, Sam Russell provides top tips for crafting a compelling narrative that will appeal to awards panelsSam RussellArden University
Using gamification as an incentive for revisionNovelty, competition and engagement give gamification an edge when it comes to getting students to revise. Here, Teegan Green, Iliria Stenning and Rasheda Keane explain how they use The Chase from H5P in a hybrid courseTeegan Green, Iliria Stenning, Rasheda KeaneThe University of Queensland
Phenomenon-based learning: what, why and howPhenomenon-based learning empowers students to apply disciplinary knowledge to real-world situations. Here, Sue Lee and Kate Cuthbert outline the principles of PhBL and how it can be adopted in higher educationSue Lee, Kate CuthbertStaffordshire University
Student support takes a village – but you need to create one firstTo support students from diverse backgrounds, universities should actively foster supportive communities. For the University of Auckland, this meant creating a ‘village’ on campus, as Melissa Leaupepe explains Melissa Leaupepe University of Auckland
AI or VR? Matching emerging tech to real-world learningDefining the problem can determine the best tech to deliver realistic training environments. Here is how one media lab demystifies technology-enabled learning experiences and empowers educators to develop their ownMartin Brown , Philip Poronnik, Claudio Corvalan-Diaz, William Havellas University of Sydney
Virtually writing together: creating community while supporting individual endeavourLessons in setting up and running a virtual writing group that facilitates individual and collaborative work through a supportive community of practiceKaren KennyUniversity of Exeter
Supporting LGBTQ+ aspiring leaders in universitiesLGBTQ+ staff bring to campus qualities such as courage and sensitivity that are key to leadership. Now a UK programme aims to develop those strengths in future academic and professional services leaders Catherine Lee, Daniel BurmanAnglia Ruskin University
Making space for innovation: a higher education challengeRisk, chance and disruption can be paths to innovative teaching practice. Here, Michelle Prawer offers ways to bring more flexibility into the classroomMichelle PrawerVictoria University
Can online oral exams prevent cheating?Online checking tools often flag non-suspicious behaviour along with suspected academic misconduct. Here, educators share lessons learned from using an online oral exam to check students’ understandingTemesgen Kifle, Anthony JacobsThe University of Queensland
A help desk to protect intellectual propertyHow an intellectual property help desk set up by a university library team is helping inventors protect their work, with lessons on what has proven most effectiveFrank SoodeenThe University of the West Indies
Autonomy, fun and other benefits of student-centred learning designPutting students at the core of learning design can bring business and commerce studies to life, writes Guan WangGuan WangMacau University of Science and Technology
A tool to navigate information overloadShonagh Douglas shares a tool that directs students to the specific advice they need when searching through online resources and offers lessons in how to recreate similar aids elsewhereShonagh DouglasRobert Gordon University
How university leaders can use an ‘innovation for’ mindset to drive enrolmentFor US colleges and universities, the key to turning around falling enrolment is to directly respond to concerns about affordability, accessibility and return on investment, writes Nivine Megahed Nivine MegahedNational Louis University
To improve the admission process, get faculty involvedFaculty collaboration with the undergraduate admission team can improve class participation, retention rates, course matches and funding yield – and help reduce misinformation about the process and decisionsRick ClarkGeorgia Tech’s Center for 21st Century Universities
The power of events to build belonging among studentsXJTLU’s new Entrepreneur College had to work fast to build a sense of belonging among its first student cohorts, and one way it did this was by hosting a series of events. Xiaotong Lu shares the strategies adoptedXiaotong LuXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Full circle: using the cycle of teaching, module design and researchHow research, module design and classroom delivery in creative fields inform one another in circular and essential practices. Glenn Fosbraey shares his own teaching as a case study Glenn Fosbraey University of Winchester
Matching technology training to industry needs: a case studyProfessional development courses, especially in rapidly developing technologies, must evolve to meet industry needs. Here, Daniel Garrote explains how his institution created a master’s in the Internet of ThingsDaniel Garrote Nuclio Digital School
My experience of speaking in front of a select committeeNicola Searle shares lessons for academics on speaking in front of a parliamentary select committee, to provide insight on topics linked to your researchNicola SearleGoldsmiths, University of London, Universities Policy Engagement Network (UPEN)
A holistic approach to student support Student support, particularly for care-leavers or estranged students, is vital throughout their university journey – from pre-application to beyond graduation. Here, Fran Hornsby and Rebecca Clark offer tips for demonstrating genuine care as you do itFran Hornsby, Rebecca ClarkUniversity of York
Peer mentoring to support staff well-being: lessons from a pilotA peer mentoring scheme designed to support staff well-being is being piloted at Staffordshire University. Fiona Cust and Jessica Runacres share lessons on how the initiative has been developed Fiona Cust, Jessica RunacresStaffordshire University
Decolonising learning through access to primary sourcesMathematicians have always looked at old problems in new ways. A database of original sources will give university-level mathematics students a global, historical view of their subjectJune Barrow-Green , Brigitte StenhouseThe Open University
Mini virtual writing retreats to support and connect tuteesA guide to organising mini virtual writing retreats each week to build a supportive scholarly community within a personal tutoring groupAspasia Eleni Paltoglou Manchester Metropolitan University
A model for deploying AI across a university and regionA new supercomputer, new faculty and partnerships with higher education and industry leaders helped the University of Florida transform itself into an AI powerhouse, creating a blueprint for other institutions to followCheryl MartinNVIDIA
A collective action framework to help Ukraine’s universities survive and rebuildThere is great potential for like-for-like aid among institutions during times of crises. Here are five lessons from a project that pairs institutions in Ukraine with partners around the worldCharles Cormack, Blanca Torres-OlaveCormack Consultancy Group
How to train university staff to become anti-racist agents of changeAdvice on supporting higher education professionals to become anti-racist agents of change, based on Adam Danquah’s experience doing so within his institutionAdam DanquahUniversity of Manchester
A guide to promoting equity in HE for refugees and asylum seekersSteps that universities can take to help refugees and asylum seekers access and successfully progress through higher educationYeşim Deveci, Claire Mock-Muñoz de Luna , Jess OddyUniversity of East London
Mix technology and personal contact to support studentsA sophisticated algorithm and a simple phone call have proved to be a formula for student retention. And it’s not stopping as the pandemic recedes, says Jonathan Powles Jonathan PowlesUniversity of the West of Scotland
Virtual mobility: a first step to creating global graduatesIf universities are serious about creating global graduates, they must explore virtual opportunities to build confidence and enthusiasm for international travel, says Alex ReganAlex ReganCoventry University
Home labs and simulations to spark curiosity and explorationFrancesco Fornetti explains how home lab kits and simulation tools can help spark curiosity and exploration among engineering studentsFrancesco Fornetti University of Bristol
Food for thought: advice for building a university-community collaborationPlanning and communication can turn good intentions into lasting benefits for students, faculty and the community. Joshua Gruver shares his advice for successful outreach, based on his experience developing a local farmers’ market]oshua GruverBall State University
Flip the script: why listening is the best form of outreachIn aiming to widen participation, it’s easy to get lost in your own passion. Instead focus on understanding others’ needs – and keep it simpleLynne Bianchi University of Manchester
How a sustainable internship programme can support social mobilityStudents from disadvantaged backgrounds can remain on the back foot when entering the workforce. This programme offers higher education practitioners a replicable model that includes professional skills development and access Fiona Hudson, Inís Fitzpatrick , Cathy McloughlinDublin City University
Collective voices, zero toleranceUniversities can use their ability to engage with students to effect cultural change, as the Bystander Intervention initiative to combat sexual abuse has shown. Louise Crowley explains how they did itLouise CrowleyUniversity College Cork
So, you want to reach out? Lessons from a ‘science for all’ programmePublic engagement in STEM strengthens research relevance and trust in science, but how can universities do it well? Here, the team behind S4 give three considerations based on a decade of effective outreach to disadvantaged schoolsMary Gagen , Will Bryan, Rachel BryanSwansea University
Counter-mapping as a pedagogical tool Engaging students with urban spaces can contextualise and deepen learning and bring in inclusive perspectives. Daniel Gutiérrez-Ujaque and Dharman Jeyasingham explain how counter-mapping can be used as a pedagogical toolDaniel Gutiérrez-Ujaque , Dharman Jeyasingham Brunel University London , University of Manchester
The practicalities of delivering a multi-institutional online workshopLessons from planning and delivering a multi-institutional online workshop for university teachers designed to find solutions to common educational challengesKelly Edmunds , Richard BowaterUniversity of East Anglia
Experiential education through a simulated summit to combat human trafficking Advice on setting pedagogical goals and planning a simulated international summit to support experiential learning for remote students, by Clara Chapdelaine-Feliciati Clara Chapdelaine-Feliciati Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
How professional practitioners help connect crime theory with real-world investigationsBringing professional practitioners into classes to share real-world case studies helps students contextualise learning and see how theories play out in reality. Paul McFarlane explains how this works on his crime science coursesPaul McFarlaneUniversity College London
Lessons from completing an award-winning knowledge transfer projectEight key components of a successful knowledge transfer project (KTP), drawing from the experience of an award-winning initiative to develop an online teaching platform for primary care cliniciansRachel McCrindle, Richard Mitchell, Yota DimitriadiUniversity of Reading
In the loop: how formative feedback supports remote teachingWeekly snapshots of how students see their own progress can help teachers adjust teaching methods in real time. An online tool piloted at Georgia Tech has helped fill a feedback loop lost during the pandemic Jonna Lee , Meryem Yilmaz SoyluGeorgia Tech’s Center for 21st Century Universities
Tutor training for architect-educators: twinning, observation, reflection and testing Staff development and training for architecture tutors is very limited. This resource looks back at a tutor training programme that ran from 1996 to 2002, and draws lessons for future architect-educatorsMartin W. Andrews, Mary CaddickThe University of Portsmouth
Planning forward: whole system support for marginalised learners in higher educationSteps towards taking a whole system approach to developing higher education that supports marginalised learners, thinking inclusively from the outsetCarrie Bauer, Cindy Bonfini-Hotlosz, Charley WrightArizona State University, Centreity
How to develop a code of conduct for ethical research fieldworkA code of conduct for ethical research fieldwork developed by two researchers at the University of Oxford has been taken up by departments across the institution and beyond. The code authors, Catherine Fallon Grasham and Laura Picot, share lessons they learned along the wayCatherine Fallon Grasham, Laura PicotUniversity of Oxford
Pedagogical wellness specialist: the role that connects teaching and well-being Does faculty well-being affect student outcomes? Exploring this question in the wake of post-Covid burnout and trauma led UCI to create a new position that prioritises teacher wellnessAndrea AebersoldUniversity of California, Irvine
Bridges to study: how to create a successful online foundation courseOnline access courses can enable more students who don’t come to higher education directly from high school to smoothly enter university. Here are tips for designing an effective online university foundation programmeJane Habner , Pablo MunguiaFlinders University
What’s the story? Creative ways to communicate your researchEarly in your academic research, you should ask how you can creatively communicate it to a wide audience. The results may surprise you, says Steven BeschlossSteven BeschlossArizona State University
A STEAM adventure: running a hybrid English immersion campLessons in designing a hybrid English immersion camp that boosts language proficiency while developing key life skills Rossana Mántaras , Eugenia Balseiro, Lorena CalzoniTechnological University of Uruguay (UTEC)
Creative projects as a way of bringing students togetherAn institution-wide creative project is an opportunity for students to make friends and learn from one another, writes Karen Amanda Harris. Here, she shares tips for developing an extracurricular language-art project Karen Amanda HarrisUniversity of the Arts London
Block to the future: why block scheduling has taken so long to catch onBlock teaching has been around since the mid-noughties, but those short-lived early trials were ahead of the curve. Simon Thomson and Carl Flattery explore why block planning might finally be having its dayCarl Flattery, Simon ThomsonLeeds Beckett University, University of Manchester
Outside in: use your students’ curiosity to invigorate your teachingBreaking up the classroom routine with field trips and visiting experts is an essential teaching tool. Here’s how university educators can use physical and virtual resources to make lessons more engagingM. C. Zhang, Aliana LeongMacau University of Science and Technology
The role of complementary higher education pathways for refugeesEducation has emerged as a pathway to sustainable resettlement for displaced people but establishing programmes requires leaders to overcome considerable challengesManal Stulgaitis , Gül İnanç UNHCR, University of Auckland
Lessons in helping remote students obtain practical work experienceUniversities face obstacles in helping distance learners access practical work experience. Ewout van der Schaft and Alex Mackrell share insight from initiatives at their business schoolEwout van der Schaft, Alex Mackrell Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Education for humanity: designing learner-centric solutions for refugee studentsKey tenets to successfully, and sustainably, designing university initiatives that support refugee learners around the globe using digital resources, based on five years of running the Education for Humanity initiative at Arizona State UniversityNicholas Sabato, Joanna ZimmermanArizona State University
How to turn a PhD project into a commercial ventureTransforming a doctoral research project into a commercially viable product requires astute decision-making from the start. Manjinder Kainth and Nicola Wilkin share a beginner’s guideManjinder Kainth, Nicola Wilkin Graide, University of Birmingham
Increasing access to higher education for refugees through digital learningIn Lebanon, a project designed to increase access to higher education for Syrian refugees through digital learning has been piloted with success. Rabih Shibli shares lessons from developing PADILEIA Rabih ShibliAmerican University of Beirut
Helping refugees get their qualifications recognisedTips for how higher education institutions and accreditation authorities can recognise refugees’ qualifications even when they cannot be fully documentedSjur BerganCouncil of Europe
Embedding equality, diversity and inclusion within public policy training for academicsSteps higher education institutions can take to make their policy engagement training programmes as diverse and inclusive as possible, based on the experience of a UK universityAudrey TanUniversity College London
Making undergraduate access to research experience transparent and inclusiveA barrier to research careers is accessing the relevant experience. Saloni Krishnan and Nura Sidarus outline a scheme that has helped a wider range of undergraduate students secure research placementsSaloni Krishnan, Nura SidarusRoyal Holloway, University of London
How a rich extracurricular campus life nurtures well-rounded individualsSoft skills such as organisation, communication and networking are often developed outside the classroom. Here’s how universities can help their students learn vital life skillsM. C. Zhang, Aliana LeongMacau University of Science and Technology
How we used a business management theory to help students cope with uncertaintyUncertainty is a major challenge to mental health so a team at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University used a business management tool to help students cope with worries about the future. Here, they explain howZheng Feei Ma, Jian Li Hao, Yu Song, Peng LiuXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Eight ways UK academics can help students and researchers from Ukrainian universitiesFrom joining a working group to mentoring and collaborating, UK scholars can support Ukrainian scientists and make a difference, no matter how small Anna K. Bobak, Valentina Mosienko, Igor Potapov University of Stirling, University of Bristol, University of Liverpool
How can universities support Ukrainian students? Advice from a Polish institutionRapid response actions that universities can take to support Ukrainian students and academics, based on the experience of a Polish institutionPaweł ŚpiechowiczUniversity of Lodz
Blended professionals: how to make the most of ‘third space’ expertsIntegrated practitioners – staff who bridge the worlds of academia and professional services – are increasingly important to universities. Here’s why this space matters and how to capitalise on itEmily McIntosh, Diane NuttMiddlesex University
How universities can support refugee students and academicsAfghan Chevening scholar Naimatullah Zafary, who was among the last people to be airlifted to safety from Kabul, explains how institutions can support refugee students and staff who arrive in an unfamiliar country after experiencing perilous journeys and severe traumaNaimatullah Zafary University of Sussex
Recruiting university tutors using an interactive group activityHiring candidates with strong academic results may seem like the best way to recruit tutors. But this does not always mean they will have the right attributes to support student learning. In this video, Carl Sherwood explains how and why to use a group interview process to recruit university tutorsCarl SherwoodThe University of Queensland
Tackling climate change requires university, government and industry collaboration – here’s howUniversities must work with government and industry to drive climate action. Anna Skarbek outlines key principles that should shape the approachAnna SkarbekMonash University, Climateworks Centre
The challenges of creating a multidisciplinary research centre and how to overcome themHow to overcome the challenges of setting up a collaborative research centre designed to break down institutional silos and structuresAndrew Tobin, Laura TylerUniversity of Glasgow
Revolving roles: creating inclusive, engaging, participant-led learning activities ‘Revolving roles’ is a simple, adaptable method for designing learning activities that challenge and change conventional ‘leader’ and ‘participant’ responsibilities, embrace students’ diverse needs, and develop their unique attributes, as Pablo Dalby explainsPablo DalbyUniversity of East Anglia
Asynchronous communication strategies for successful learning design partnerships Asynchronous communication that builds rapport among university course designers and external edtech providers, explained by Rae Mancilla and Nadine Hamman in the first part of a series looking at strategies for successful learning design partnershipsRae Mancilla , Nadine HammanUniversity of Pittsburgh, University of Cape Town
Developing a faculty-IT partnership for seamless teaching supportA simple way to ensure quicker and more transparent handling of technical hiccups that builds trust between teaching faculty and IT teams, explained by Xin Bi Xin Bi Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Decolonising medicine, part two: empowering studentsThe decolonisation of medicine involves making students active agents of their learning and designing assessments relevant to the skills gained through the process, as Musarrat Maisha Reza explains in her second advice resource on the topicMusarrat Maisha RezaUniversity of Exeter
The evolution of activeflex learning: why and how The evolution of activeflex learning as a way to keep students engaged online, and how to overcome problems when using this teaching model, by Mark Gale Mark GaleAthens State University
Lessons for universities from using ‘bots’ in the NHSAdvice on how higher education institutions could apply Robotic Process Automation to improve efficiencies, based on lessons from its use in the NHSCarol GloverKFM, a subsidiary of King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
A guide to using open educational resources: an experiential case studyThe benefits of OERs to researchers and students in the Global South affect all levels of scholarship, from teaching to publishing, writes Innocent ChirisaInnocent ChirisaUniversity of Zimbabwe
Catering to Gen Z’s needs: creating a flexible and adaptable education programmeUniversities need to teach broad knowledge and skills that will help graduates adapt in a fast-changing future workplace. Three academics share insights from developing a generalist approach to training business students Eric Chee, Roy Ying, Winnie ChanThe Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
Mind the gap: creating a pathway for post-doctoral researchers to gain teaching experiencePostdoctoral researchers often struggle to secure teaching experience so institutions need to develop opportunities for these academics to support or lead classes. Ellen Bull explains how this can be doneEllen BellUniversity of East Anglia
Students supporting educators: are you harnessing the talent of your own graduates?Employing students to support educators not only boosts overall digital expertise but elevates graduate employability, course design and the student voiceLisa Harris, Caitlin KightUniversity of Exeter
How to change the default settings that exclude women in sub-Saharan Africa from higher educationAngeline Murimirwa outlines the steps necessary to support young women from marginalised communities in sub-Saharan Africa into and through higher educationAngeline MurimirwaCAMFED (Campaign for Female Education)
Embedding gender equality: building momentum for changeEileen Drew explains how positive leadership, data-informed actions and priorities, mass engagement and collaboration all feed into a successful gender equality initiativeEileen DrewTrinity College Dublin
Widening access to postgraduate studies: from research to strategy to actionProviding equitable access into and through higher education is a constant battle, especially in postgraduate research, but barriers can be addressed when evidence is connected to action, as Diane Gill explains Diane GillThe University of Edinburgh
How to use storytelling-based assessment to increase student confidenceCarl Sherwood explains how to set up an authentic assessment task using students’ own contextualised writingCarl SherwoodThe University of Queensland
Accelerating towards net zero emissions: how to mobilise your university on climate actionJohn Madden provides insight on how universities can mobilise their intellectual and institutional capacities to accelerate towards net zero emissionsJohn MaddenUniversity of British Columbia
‘Embrace messiness’: how to broker global partnerships to tackle the Sustainable Development GoalsAnnelise Riles and Meghan Ozaroski share advice on bringing universities around the world together to address global problems, such as climate change, by investing in relationships, thinking long-term and working around inevitable bumpsAnnelise Riles, Meghan OzaroskiNorthwestern University
How to design early college programmes that foster success for under-represented studentsDavid Dugger explains what an early college programme should focus on in order to improve outcomes for students from under-represented groupsDavid DuggerEastern Michigan University
How using digital workbooks can increase student engagement and help institutions go greenHow to move from printed to digital workbooks rich with interactive content such as audio, video and quizzes, to improve online learning outcomes while boosting sustainabilityYan Wei, Paul TuckXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Working with student activists to speed up progress towards a sustainable futureJaime Toney explains how working with grassroots student activists can help accelerate institutional action towards the Sustainable Development GoalsJaime ToneyUniversity of Glasgow
Unmasking the scientist: breaking down anonymity to build relationships when teaching onlineSimple solutions to link students’ names to faces and build a rapport with individuals in your class when teaching online, by Kelly Edmunds and Bethan Gulliver Kelly Edmunds , Bethan GulliverUniversity of East Anglia
Online exams are growing in popularity: how can they be fair and robust?Nicholas Harmer and Alison Hill share advice on using unique datasets to deter student collusion in online examsNicholas Harmer, Alison HillUniversity of Exeter
Co-creating an interdisciplinary well-being module for all studentsElena Riva and Wiki Jeglinska explain how academics can work with students to co-create well-being modules that span multiple disciplines and support students’ self-care, drawing on their own experience of collaborating on such a schemeElena Riva, Wiki JeglinskaThe University of Warwick
Study trips and experiential learning: from preparation to post-trip reflectionRebecca Wang outlines the key steps to take before, during and after a successful international field tripRebecca WangUniversity of Westminster
Building an inclusive learning community to deliver a race equality curriculumRicardo Barker and Syra Shakir reflect on how to set up a curriculum that engages everybody in conversations about race equalityRicardo Barker , Syra ShakirLeeds Trinity University
Lessons from organising a virtual international student camp to develop the next generation of leaders in sustainabilityYhing Sawheny and Ashutosh Mishra offer advice on organising a virtual international event after bringing students together online to hone their leadership skills in sustainabilityYhing Sawheny, Ashutosh MishraSiam University
Using community-based research projects to motivate learning among engineering studentsTrithos Kamsuwan explains how community-based research projects can be used to motivate students, creating opportunities to apply principles they have learned in class to solve real-world problemsTrithos Kamsuwan Siam University
Creating equitable research partnerships across continentsShabbar Jaffar provides tips for successful international collaborations built on trust, appropriate recognition and inclusiveness in decision-makingShabbar JaffarLiverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Changing lives through community engagement and outreachJosephine Bleach outlines questions that higher education institutions should ask to help them foster authentic community engagement that improves educational outcomes for children, families and communitiesJosephine BleachNational College of Ireland
Talking about taboos: how to create an open atmosphere for discussing difficult subjectsLindsay Morgan offers practical, step-by-step advice for removing barriers to addressing uncomfortable topics such as consent and menstruationLindsay MorganEdinburgh Napier University
How to revitalise student knowledge exchange with local communitiesHow co-creating an ‘umbrella’ programme can help institutions innovate student knowledge exchange and improve engagement with local communities and businesses, a team from Queen Mary University of London explainPatrick McGurk, Joanne Zhang, Fezzan Ahmed, Olivia ReidQueen Mary University of London
Collaborative learning cases: a fresh approach to applied learning A group of medical educators introduce a new teaching model being used to improve students’ ability to apply learning in clinical or real-world settings through collaborative work on specific cases Dujeepa SamarasekeraNational University of Singapore
Engaging students in applied research to tackle Sustainable Development Goals Jen O’Brien describes a pedagogical project that engages students in applied research carried out in partnership with external organisations, related to the Sustainable Development Goals Jen O'BrienUniversity of Manchester
A model for developing global expertise in blended learningDaniella Bo Ya Hu outlines a framework for building expertise in blended learning using lessons in capacity development, staff incentivisation and leadership learned from an international pilot training programmeDaniella Bo Ya HuThe Association of Commonwealth Universities
How a community of practice can foster virtual collaboration Eugene Schulz and Dagmar Willems share insights and takeaway lessons from creating a community of practice for higher education instructors to develop virtual exchanges with international partnersEugene Schulz, Dagmar WillemsGerman Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Generating immersive, large-scale teaching experiences in video games Richard Fitzpatrick and Thomas Little offer insights for designing and developing immersive learning experiences using video games, based on their experience using Minecraft in their teaching Richard Fitzpatrick, Thomas LittleThe University of Edinburgh
Students as educators: the value of assessed blogs to showcase learningMatt Davies explains how assessed blogs help translate the thrill of interactive learning into tangible outcomes that enrich and showcase students’ knowledgeMatt DaviesUniversity of Chester
Make yourself presentable Richard Gratwick sketches a course designed to develop students’ presentation skills, whether in person or online, using principles that are universal Richard GratwickThe University of Edinburgh
Three lessons from exhibiting final-year projects onlineDechanuchit Katanyutaveetip describes three unexpected benefits he and his students discovered after they were forced to move the exhibition of their final-year projects onlineDechanuchit KatanyutaveetipSiam University
Three steps to successful rapid-response civic engagement with students Kathleen Riach outlines key lessons from successfully leading a rapid-response civic engagement project with students to help over 50s gain better digital accessKathleen RiachUniversity of Glasgow
Developing an educational app to engage students in the world around themNiki Vermeulen and Kate Bowell describe a creative approach to place-based learning involving an app that offers educational walking tours linking students’ studies to the world around themKate Bowell, Niki VermeulenThe University of Edinburgh
Co-creation of curricula with students: a case study Eric Tsui outlines a method he uses to enhance student learning through the co-creation of new scenarios for curriculum development in their discipline Eric TsuiThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
High tech and high touch: designing a bridging system to help students prepare for STEM studies Karin Avnit, Victor Wang and Prasad Iyer describe how combining technology-supported learning with targeted face-to-face instruction helps ensure all students start university with the knowledge and skills they need to succeedKarin Avnit , Victor Wang, Prasad IyerSingapore Institute of Technology
It’s a game changer: using design thinking to find solutions to the Sustainable Development GoalsRachel Bickerdike explains how using design thinking to find solutions to the Sustainable Development Goals can open up a new world of social entrepreneurship for students Rachel Bickerdike Durham University
Global virtual exchange: promoting international learningChristopher Brighton presents a model of global virtual exchange that could be easily replicated at any institution to enhance its students’ intercultural knowledge and skillsChristopher BrightonXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Making the most of online educational resources: a case study Pascal Grange explains how online educational resources can be used to complement teaching and enhance students’ opportunities for learning Pascal Grange Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Using online coaching to support student well-being Helen Duff explains how a human approach to providing support online, in the form of coaching sessions, can have a powerful impact on student well-being Helen DuffArden University
Lessons from gamification to enhance students’ capacity for learning Oran Devilly and May Lim share lessons from using gaming techniques to help students develop the learning traits needed to benefit from online teachingOran Devilly, May LimSingapore Institute of Technology
Using tech to connect refugees with pathways to higher education: an emerging case study Kate Symons and Georgia Cole share key lessons from a pilot project aiming to support refugees and learners from disadvantaged communities in Uganda into higher education Kate Symons, Georgia Cole, Foundations for All teamThe University of Edinburgh, Foundations for All
Greener assessment: transitioning to online markingUniversities should lead by example on sustainability issues, looking at what they can do to shrink their environmental impact. Here, Ling Xia and Yao Wu outline a project that could herald a major reduction in their institution’s paper consumptionLing Angela Xia , Yao WuXi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Lessons in developing digital capability courses for students Gunter Saunders explains how to design courses that engage and incentivise students to gain the digital skills they need to flourish in the online learning environment and beyond Gunter SaundersUniversity of Westminster
Sparking entrepreneurship online Laura-Jane Silverman describes how LSE’s entrepreneurship centre created continued opportunity for innovation, collaboration and personal development among students after moving online Laura-Jane Silverman The London School of Economics and Political Science
Building peer support networks to help staff navigate digital teachingKay Yeoman and Alicia McConnell explain how the University of East Anglia has used peer support networks to ensure all university staff have access to the advice, support and training they need to deliver quality online teaching Kay Yeoman, Alicia McConnellUniversity of East Anglia
Improving academic writing skills to boost student confidence and resilience Academic writing skills are fundamental to most university courses. Andrew Struan explains how Glasgow has taken a whole-university approach to ensure all students are well equipped to succeed Andrew StruanUniversity of Glasgow
How I fostered multilingual student discussion in asynchronous online classes Ioannis Gaitanidis explains how designed his asynchronous online teaching to foster the same level of spontaneous student discussion as his in-person classes Ioannis Gaitanidis Chiba University
How to tackle fieldwork and real-world training online Francine Ryan explains how the Open University law school offers real-world training and fieldwork through digital channels as part of its online coursesFrancine RyanThe Open University
Creating online teaching principles that actually help faculty Amanda Sykes talks about how to develop online teaching resources around a set of simple guiding principles that are immediately accessible and helpful for faculty trying to get to grips with new digital pedagogies Amanda SykesUniversity of Glasgow
Creating a centralised advice resource to help faculty adapt to new teaching modalities To assist staff in adjusting courses to new online and hydrid teaching modes, the University of Arizona created a centralised information and advice resource. Here is a summary of how they did it and the key considerations and lessons learnedIngrid Novodvorsky , Lisa ElfringUniversity of Arizona
How to support staff across all departments to design quality online courses The sudden shift to online forced university staff to rethink and redesign classes often with little experience or knowledge of remote teaching. Helen Carmichael and Bobbi Moore explain how the University of Southampton supported all faculties to ensure high-quality online coursesHelen Carmichael, Bobbi MooreUniversity of Southampton
Innovative approaches to moving practical learning onlineA major challenge of the move to remote learning has been how to teach practical subjects. Here, Lesley Saunders and Lucy Kirkham discuss how they adopted a combination of online, blended and socially distanced teaching for a large nursing courseLesley Saunders , Lucy KirkhamSheffield Hallam University
Socio-emotional learning online: boosting student resilience and well-beingThe Covid-19 crisis has led to worsening mental health and increased stress among students. Kathleen Chim talks about how the Open University of Hong Kong has tried to build students’ mental resilience through socio-emotional learning Benjamin Tak Yuen Chan, Kathleen ChimHong Kong Metropolitan University
How Duke Kunshan University transitioned to online learning in two weeks Faced with the rapid spread of Covid-19 on its doorstep, Duke Kunshan University in China decided to move all its teaching online in just two weeks to finish the third term. Here, we look at how this was achieved and the lessons they learned Kevin Guthrie, Catharine Bond Hill, Martin Kurzweil, Cindy LeIthaka S+R , Duke Kunshan University